IGTC-21 proceedings

Keynote session 1: Energy transition to a global carbon-neutral society

Technical session 1: Hydrogen gas turbines

Technical session 2: Decentralised energy systems

Keynote session 2: Roadmap for the realisation of a carbon-neutral society


Technical session 3: Alternative fuels and efficiency increases

Technical session 4: Additive manufacturing and materials

Keynote session 3: National and regional gas turbine markets: opportunities and challenges towards a hydrogen economy             

Technical session 5: Hydrogen gas turbine developments  

Technical session 6: Condition-based maintenance           

Keynote session 4: R&D projects contributing to the energy transition

Technical session 7: System integration

Technical session 8: Component monitoring and life extension

Keynote session 5: Technology development path for a carbon-neutral society


Technical session 9: Retrofit and optimisation solutions


Final conference programme is available here.



Abstracts of all technical papers can be downloaded here.



Recordings (replays) of the sessions will be available until 15 November 2021.

Please use your personal link to access the conference platform.

Unfortunately downloads will not be available.



We would like to thank again our IGTC-21 sponsors!








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