ETN Global White paper on the Critical role of dispatchable power generation for a sustainable and secure energy transition
ETN Global’s white paper titled “The Critical role of dispatchable power generation for a sustainable and secure energy transition” outlines four key challenges related to security of supply facing Europe’s energy system, as it transitions towards carbon-neutral future, shifting from one dominated by fossil-fuels towards one based primarily on variable renewable energy sources. It proposes actionable solutions and calls for immediate action from the European policy makers, and industry leaders to address these.
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ETN’s position paper titled “Proposed NOx emissions reporting for hydrogen-containing fuels”. The background for this paper is the current normalisation method that is being used for correcting emissions, in particular nitrogen oxides, to reference conditions, which adds a burden of up to 40% on hydrogen compared to natural gas.
Download Position Papers: ETN Position Paper on proposed NOx emissions reporting for hydrogen-containing fuelsRead moreETN position on the public consultation “A EU hydrogen strategy”
Download Position Papers: ETN position on the public consultation “A EU hydrogen strategy”ETN Position Paper on Digitalisation
The objective of ETN’s White Paper on Industrial Internet: the next age of productivity for European GT based plants is to provide support and guidance to the ETN members on Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet.
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Following the online publication of the draft issue paper on SET-Plan Action 9, ETN provided some comments on the paper.
Download Position Papers: ETN’s Input To Issue Paper 9 On CCS And CCURead moreETN’s input to Issue Paper 4: Energy Systems
ETN welcomes the European Commission’s initiative to clarify and prioritise the actions and research needs within the updated SET-Plan and matching them to the pillars of the Energy Union. ETN appreciates the opportunity to participate in the dedicated stakeholder’s consultation on the “Issue Paper No. 4: Energy Systems (Increase the resilience, security and smartness of the energy system), where we would like to stress the importance of a holistic approach in the future energy systems.
Download Position Papers: ETN’s input to Issue Paper 4: Energy SystemsRead moreETN and COGEN Europe joint input to SET-Plan Issue Paper 5 (Energy Efficiency in buildings)
In September 2015, the European Commission adopted a Communication for an Integrated Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan). The Communication identifies ten priority actions to accelerate the energy system transformation that should facilitate coordinated or joint investments by individual Member States, between Member States and with the EU. Following the online publication of the draft issue paper on SET-Plan Action °5 (Energy Efficiency in Buildings) where the EC identified “Efficient and smart cogeneration (CHP) for buildings (e.g. micro and small scale CHP)” and “innovative heating and cooling systems” as relevant technologies and solutions, ETN and COGEN Europe have jointly prepared an input paper highlighting the importance of micro-CHP in the future energy sector, with a particular focus on micro-CHP coupled with micro gas turbines.
Download Position Papers: ETN and COGEN Europe joint input to SET-Plan Issue Paper 5 (Energy Efficiency in buildings)Read moreETN and EUTurbines joint input to SET-Plan Issue Paper 6 (EE in energy intensive industries)
In September 2015, the European Commission adopted a Communication for an Integrated Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan). The Communication identifies ten priority actions to accelerate the energy system transformation that should facilitate coordinated or joint investments by individual Member States, between Member States and with the EU. To ensure the continuation of efforts to make EU industry less energy intensive and more competitive (Action °6), ETN and EUTurbines have jointly prepared an input paper stressing our strong interest and willingness to collaborate with the energy intensive industries and contribute to the discussion how to best achieve the outlined targets.
Download Position Papers: ETN and EUTurbines joint input to SET-Plan Issue Paper 6 (EE in energy intensive industries)Read moreComments to the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)
In a joint effort with Pratt & Whitney and E.ON, ETN has submitted on 14 February 2013 comments to the LCD BREF Review Team of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (EC) regarding the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). The comments have been received positively by the EC representatives and ETN has been invited to provide input directly to the European IPPC Bureau (EIPPCB), who is in charge of drafting the BAT reference document (BREF) for large combustion plants (LCP). The outcome of this process will be documented in a draft BREF to be sent for comments to the Technical Working Group in the course of the next months.
Download Position Papers: Comments to the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)Read moreResponse to Industrial Emissions Directive by EU
In a joint effort by ETN, Pratt & Whitney and E.ON an opinion on the current legislative negotiations taking place has been submitted to the LCD BREF Review Committee of the EU’s Joint Research Centre.
Download Position Papers: Response to Industrial Emissions Directive by EURead moreThe Importance of Flexible and Efficient Power Generation in Horizon 2020
ETN has published a position paper, in collaboration with EPPSA, Eurelectric, EUTurbines, Eurogas, Euracoal, GERG and Marcogaz, on the Research Priorities of the upcoming Horizon 2020 EU funded R&D Programme (2014-2020). The position paper will be submitted to European Union representatives and aims to feed in to the final decision by EU law-makers, on the exact R&D priorities and funding levels.
Download Position Papers: The Importance of Flexible and Efficient Power Generation in Horizon 2020Read moreEnabling the Increasing Share of Renewable Energy in the Grid
This ETN position paper discusses the technological impact of incorporating large volumes of variable renewable energy into the electricity grid, examining the problems that will spring from this, as well as possible solutions. It will focus especially on the need for back-up power to balance intermittent renewable energy sources for grid stabilisation, and the impact this new mode of operation will have on gas turbine and CCS operation when used in this capacity.
Download Position Papers: Enabling the Increasing Share of Renewable Energy in the GridRead moreThe Impact of Natural Gas Quality
Download Position Papers: The Impact of Natural Gas QualityGas Turbine Fuel Flexibility
Current gas turbine technology for power and heat generation is generally optimized for natural gas. This is a well developed and efficient conversion technology, producing low NOx emission levels. The challenge of global climate change has become incontestable, which calls for a drastic reduction of CO2 emissions in the coming decades. Carbon Capture and Storage ( CCS) has evolved as a promising technology to significantly reduce CO2 emissions. However, pre-combustion CO2 capture requires the combustion of hydrogen-rich fuels in gas turbines. In addition, energy security considerations in Europe urge stakeholders to increase the use of indigenous fuel sources like coal, biomass and various blends of alternative fuels with natural gas. This requires an increased fuel flexibility of gas turbines. Some technologies developed by gas turbine manufacturers currently allow for a small percentage of syngas to be mixed with natural gas or rely on special purpose designed gas turbine products capable of operating on (highly) diluted syngas. However, there are no generally available low-emission technologies to enable operation with undiluted hydrogen-rich syngas. In order to contribute viable solutions to energy supply and green-house-gas (GHG) emission reduction, further gas turbine research and demonstration is essential for these kinds of fuel gases. In this paper, fundamental aspects that need to be addressed are highlighted in order to operate gas turbines in an efficient, safe, reliable and environmental friendly manner utilising hydrogen-rich syngas from coal or biomass.
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This paper discusses the level of filtration required to meet existing OEM (Gas Turbine Original Equipment Manufacturer) specifications, existing filtration international test standards and the commercial and technical benefits available to operators by applying enhanced Hepa H Class filtration technology to their gas turbine fleet to significantly reduce fouling of the compressor blades and consequential power loss.
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Position papers