ETN brings together the entire value chain of the stationary gas turbine technology community in Europe and beyond.


    ETN brings together the entire value chain of the stationary gas turbine technology community globally


ETN Global is a non-profit membership association bringing together the entire value chain of the gas turbine technology community. Through cooperative efforts and by initiating common activities and projects, ETN encourages and facilitates information exchange and cooperation to accelerate research, development, demonstration, and deployment of safe, secure and affordable carbon-neutral energy solutions.

ETN addresses the main challenges and concerns of gas turbine users in projects and Working Groups, composed of experts across the entire value chain: power generation and oil & gas companies, OEMs, R&D institutes, suppliers, service providers and technology consultancies.

Who we are

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  • Vision

    Safe, secure, affordable and dispatchable carbon-neutral energy solutions.

  • Mission

    Globally facilitate information exchange and cooperation to accelerate research, development, demonstration, and deployment of energy solutions in line with our vision.


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Please use the interactive organisation chart to find out more about ETN.

  • ETN is headed by the ETN Board, which determines the strategy and decides the way forward for the organisation.
  • The ETN Project Board facilitates and assists in the development and progress of initiatives and project proposals that are submitted by members to the ETN platform.
  • The ETN Office, which is situated in Brussels, Belgium, acts as a secretariat for the organisation.
  • The ETN Office also supports ETN’s  Working Groups and Technical Committees.

ETN Articles of Association (AoA) can be downloaded here. ETN Internal Rules are available via this link.


About Gas Turbines

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Energy systems are undergoing fundamental changes across the world, driven by three key trends: decarbonisation, decentralisation and digitalisation. Decentralised power generation, intelligent power grids, overall system integration, unconventional fuels and, of course, renewable energy sources (RES) are at the top of the energy agenda. 

Despite the renewable boom, it is foreseen that conventional gas-fired power generation, currently the largest gas-consuming sector worldwide, will continue to play a strategic role.



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