The European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) is a key stepping-stone to boost the transition towards a climate-neutral energy system through the development of low-carbon technologies in a fast and cost-competitive way.
The SET Plan activities are clustered into 10 actions for research and innovation. They address the whole innovation chain, from research to market uptake, and tackle both financing and regulatory frameworks. These actions are implemented by 14 Implementation Working Groups (IWGs), each focusing on one key technology.
ETN currently contributes to Action 4, 5, 6 and 9 throug the participation in working groups 1, 3 and 9.
January 2019
ETIP SNET Governing Board meeting took place in Brussels on 24 January 2019. The meeting minutes can be accessed here (requires login).
October 2018
ETIP SNET Governing Board meeting was held on 2 October 2018. The meeting minutes are available here for ETN members (requires login).
July 2017
Draft ETIP-SNET Implementation Plan 2017-2020 is accessible here.
June 2017
On 30 May 2017 the European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP-SNET) governing board meeting took place in Brussels. ETN was represented in the meeting by Sigrid Gijbels (ENGiE). During the meeting, the draft Implementation Plan under development at the Working Group levels was presented, which is scheduled to be completed by the end of September 2017. The Implementation Plan identifies the research activities needed to achieve the EU targets based on the following topics:
- Reliable, economic and efficient smart grid system
- Storage technologies and sector interfaces
- Flexible generation
- Digitisation of the electricity system and customer participation
- Innovation implementation in the business environment
Agenda ETIP-SNET Governing Board meeting 30 May 2017
Minutes of Meeting ETIP-SNET Governing Board meeting 30 May 2017
Additional information about the platform and on-going activities may be found here.
April 2017
The European Technology and Innovation Platform “Smart network for energy transition” (ETIP-SNET) has installed 5 working groups aiming at defining the contribution of different technologies to the future European energy system. In the last issue of its Quarterly Newsletter, ETN had circulated a call for experts to take part to those groups. Several experts from the ETN community are now part of the Working Group dedicated to Flexible generation (the comprehensive full list is available on www.etip-snet.eu). This working group will define an implementation plan for flexible generation and set a basis for research activities needed for the future energy systems.
February 2017
Three experts with a direct involvement in ETN have been nominated in the Flexible Generation Working Group of the European Technology and Innovation Platform “Smart Network for Energy Transition” (ETIP-S
NET): Iarno Brunetti (ENEL), Peter Breuhaus (IRIS) and Peter Jansohn (PSI). Minutes of Meeting ETIP-SNET Governing Board meeting 30 May 2017
January 2017
As it has been regularly reported in our news summaries, ETN is actively involved in the development of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan), the Research and Innovation aspect of the Energy Union. To provide input to the Action 4 “Increase the resilience, security and smartness of the energy system”, the European Technology and Innovation Platform “Smart Network for Energy Transition” (ETIP-SNET) has been installed and ETN is one of its members. The ETIP has released this month its Final 10-year roadmap for the 2017-26 period. ETN has been especially committed in the Tasks T22 “Flexible thermal power generation” and D14 “Integration of the flexible decentralised thermal power generation”. The input of ETN has also been useful for the chapter dedicated to “Integration of flexible power generation”. The full roadmap can be downloaded here. If you have any questions, please contact Ugo Simeoni us[at]etn.global.
November 2018
The EU member states endorsed the SET Plan TWG 5 Implementation Plan, which sets out actions required to achieve the challenging targets for energy efficiency in buildings. It identifies ongoing projects and proposes new activities to address gaps where previous activities have left space for further optimisation. ETN has been actively involved in the drafting of the implementation plan.
January 2018
On 31 January 2018, the Temporary Working Group meeting was held in Brussels, where ETN presented the main research topics of micro-CHP technologies for buildings, according to the inputs received by the ETN members.
Following the meeting, the EU Member States agreed to include the micro CHP/CCHP topic in the implementation plan. This will constitute the basis for future European research programmes funded by the EU Member States.
June 2017
On 26 June 2017 the SET-Plan Action 5 – Temporary Working Group (TWG) meeting took place in Brussels.
The objective of the TWG is to define an Implementation Plan for research activities needed to increase the energy efficiency in buildings. ETN has collected inputs from the members regarding micro-CHP/CCHP technologies under development and presented potential research activities that could be done both at National and International level.
Declaration of Intent SET-Plan Action 5.2: New materials and technologies for buildings
July 2018
Cooperation workshop of the SET Plan Action 6 on “Continuing efforts to make EU industry less energy intensive and more competitive” was held on 27-28 June 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. The objective of the workshop was to contribute to the realisation of the Action 6 Implementation Plan by enhancing cooperation between different countries and their national programmes, and further developing the ideas into concrete projects. The summary report of the event is available here.
ETN’s summary about the workshop was published in our Quarterly Newsletter (see the page 8).
February 2018
ETN attended the Working Group meeting on 26 February 2018 in Brussels, where the Working Group members discussed the organisation of the workshop taking place in Brussels in June 2018.
June 2017
In the past months ETN has contributed to the development of the Implementation Plan defining research activities to increase the energy efficiency in the industry. The Member States representatives have proposed to set up ad-hoc workshops in the following months to discuss with stakeholders potential cooperation activities. The next meeting of the TWG is scheduled to take place on 7 July 2017.
Draft Implementation Plan SET-PLan Action 6: Energy efficiency for industry
April 2017
The European Commission has shortlisted 12 topics related to energy efficiency in the industry that are now being evaluated by the member-states. Cross-cutting technology solutions have garnered a strong interest among the stakeholders for its ability to be applied in different sectors. ETN has previously submitted comments to the Issue paper together with EUTurbines and Cogen. National funds may be allocated on the basis of this list of topics, once fully assessed.
September 2018
On 20 September 2018, ETN attended the Working Group 9: Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture and Usage (CCU) meeting in The Hague. Following the adoption of SET-Plan Temporary Working Group (TWG) CCS and CCU Implementation Plan (IP), the TWG has transitioned to an Implementation Working Group: IWG 9. More about the subgroups in our Quarterly Newsletter article (see the page 8).
June 2018
On 13 June 2018, ETN attended the European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants (ZEP) Advisory Council meeting in Brussels.
January 2018
ETN attended the Working Group meeting in The Hague on 30 January 2018, where the Working Group members met to monitor and discuss the Implementation Plan.
June 2017
On 1 June 2017 the SET-Plan Action 9 – Temporary Working Group (TWG) meeting took place in The Hague, Netherlands. The TWG is an ad-hoc working group constituted by EU Member States representatives, stakeholders and EC officials working together to define an Implementation Plan according to the targets set in the Declaration of Intent agreed among the EU Member States.
Draft Implementation Plan SET-Plan Action 9: Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage
April 2017
A working group, gathering member-states is currently drafting an implementation plan. This plan shall list research activities based on the targets in the Action 9 Declaration of intent, which was published after the comments submitted by the different stakeholders on the initial Issue paper (including ETN).