
ETN’s application to become a member of the Industrial Emissions Directive’s Forum has been accepted by the European Commission.

As a member of the Forum, ETN has the opportunity to influence the draft text before the final draft is circulated to the Technical Working Group members for review, as well as to nominate expert members to the Technical Working Group.

Review of the Large Combustion Plant BREF Document

The IED Committee reviewed the BREFs (Best Available Techniques Reference Document) related to the IED for Large Combustion Plants (LCP). After a first round of reviewing the massive BREF document, the Committee was quite concerned about incorrect and inconsistent information with the directive itself (disconnection between the Industrial Emissions Directive and the BREF document) that could have serious impacts unless corrections are made.

You can find below useful documentation related to the ETN IED Committee’s activities since its creation in 2013.

If you are an ETN member, please log in to see some useful information such as minutes of meetings, correspondence with the EIPPCB, comments submitted to the BREF, and many more.


Useful documentation

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