This two-shaft gas turbine designed for mechanical drive and power generation applications. With a power turbine speed of 7,800 rpm, it is ideally suited for pipeline compression with direct coupling to the latest PCL pipeline compressors featuring high performance stages and 89% or higher compressor efficiency. It is full of exceptional advantages for any operation including up to 99% availability. It is designed for a 35,000-hour mean time between maintenance, which translates into four years of non-stop running for the gas generator module or eight years for the power turbine module.
In addition to long intervals without maintenance, the NovaLT16 enables extremely short intervals for maintenance activities. In fact, the modular maintenance philosophy is optimized so that a cold-condition engine can be swapped in just 24 hours. Beyond the mechanics of the turbine itself, the complete package is designed with the ultimate performance and support features as standard fully equipped with integrated monitoring and diagnostics sensors and remote tuning capability. Control room location is up to you, while oil and starting systems are easily accessible outside of the enclosure, making routine maintenance safer and more ergonomic (lower noise, lower heat).
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