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UK Government Calls For Focus On Reducing CO2 Emissions
UK Energy Secretary Edward Davey has said Europe should focus on cutting carbon emissions rather than on repeating existing renewables targets.
IEA Promotes Energy Efficiency As Final Talks Are Held On The EU’s Energy Efficiency Directive
A report released by the International Energy Agency (IEA) has said that improved energy efficiency offers the clearest path to better energy management in the future. The report says that trillions of euros of investment in clean-energy technology will be required in the coming decades to control rising carbon emissions. While investments in the energy sector are set to total $100 trillion (79.7 trillion euros) globally by 2050, the IEA report estimates that cutting global carbon emissions by 50% compared to 2005 levels and limiting the long-term rise in global temperatures to 2 degrees Celsius would cost an additional $36 trillion (28 trillion euros) on that figure.
Shell Sets Out European Energy And Climate Position
Royal Dutch Shell has set out its position on a number of EU energy and climate policy initiatives, including the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), renewables, carbon capture and storage technology (CCS) and biofuels.
UK Government Launches Consultation On New Gas Generation Strategy
The government of the United Kingdom has launched a ‘call for evidence’ in order to inform its gas generation strategy, which was announced as part of the country’s national budget earlier this year.
Energy Companies Accused Of Holding Back Energy Efficiency Directive
Progress on the European Commission’s proposed energy efficiency directive is being hampered by the ‘vested interests’ of large energy companies with close ties to member states.
Calls For Closer Cross-Broder Cooperation On Energy
ETN attended a discussion on ‘How to Implement the EU Energy Roadmap 2050’ in Brussels, organised by the Hanns-Seidel-Foundation and Siemens Energy on April 25, during which strong calls were made for greater European co-operation on energy matters.
ETN Attends Gas Week At European Parliament
‘Gas Week’, a week-long series of events focusing on natural gas, took place in the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. The aim of the event was to showcase the ability of natural gas to contribute to a low carbon economy through an exhibition involving 3D images, floor projections and interactive videos, as well as a number of presentations by industry, experts, NGOs and policy makers.
ETN Annual General Meeting And Workshop – April 2012
ETN’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Workshop was held on 17-18 April 2012 in Berlin, Germany. In his capacity as president of the board, Bernard Quoix of TOTAL welcomed the participants to the ETN Annual General Meeting. In his speech he welcomed the many new members who joined ETN in 2011-2012 which shows that ETN with its 92 members has become an important player for the whole gas turbine community and towards European Union institutions.
EU Energy Aid For Developing Countries
Gas projects are to be included in ‘energy aid’ given by the EU to the developing world.
Denmark Criticises ‘Watering Down’ Of Energy Efficiency Directive
Denmark, current holder of the EU Presidency, has criticised EU Member States for watering down the proposed Energy Efficiency Directive, a tool aimed at helping the EU meet its 2020 energy use reduction targets.