Category: News & Events

  • Denmark Criticises ‘Watering Down’ Of Energy Efficiency Directive

    Denmark, current holder of the EU Presidency, has criticised EU Member States for watering down the proposed Energy Efficiency Directive, a tool aimed at helping the EU meet its 2020 energy use reduction targets.

  • European Technology Transfer Network Launched

    A new technology transfer network, has been launched with the support of the European Commission, called the European Technology Transfer Offices – Connecting Innovation and Research Centres and Laboratories in Europe (TTO CIRCLE),

  • European Commission Pushes For Energy Efficiency Directive

    Negotiations on the European Commission’s proposed energy efficiency bill have entered their final phase, as the Commission seeks to have the Members States reach their self-imposed, but non-binding, energy reduction targets.

  • Emissions Reduction Prompts Fall In Carbon Prices

    The price for carbon allowances has fallen to a record low following the release of data showing a surprise drop in emissions within the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) last year.

  • EC Highlights R&D Job Creation Potential

    The European Commission has highlighted the potential of R&D initiatives to make a significant contribution to job creation in the European Union.

  • New IEA Head Outlines Key Objectives

    The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) new Executive Director, Maria van der Hoeven, has outlined her vision for the Agency’s future, drawing particular attention to the importance of establishing a mechanism to strengthen cooperation with emerging economies.

  • Energy Companies Question Binding Targets

    European energy companies have highlighted their own efforts to promote energy efficiency, rejecting calls for binding efficiency targets.

  • Spain Cuts Renewables Subsidies

    The Spanish government has decided to suspend all subsidies for renewable energy projects, with immediate effect, meaning it will no longer provide subsidies for new wind, solar, co-generation or waste incineration projects.

  • TAP Project Selected As Preferred PARTNER FOR Azerbaijan Gas Field

    The Consortium behind the development of Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz II gas field has made its first major decision on a future supply route to Europe, selecting the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline option (TAP) as its preferred partner option, should it choose to send gas to Europe through Italy.

  • Energy Companies Join Forces To Call For 2030 Tragets

    A coalition composed of eight of Europe’s largest energy firms has called on the European Union to urgently introduce binding targets for renewables, CO2 emissions reductions, and energy efficiency beyond 2020.



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