Hydrogen and other alternative fuels WG

ETN hydrogen and other alternative fuels Working Group

The objective of the Hydrogen Working Group is to share technical knowledge and experiences to progress towards the overall objective of safe and flexible low-carbon solutions for 0 to 100 vol.% of hydrogen blends and other sustainable fuels, such as ammonia. Through research collaboration and sharing of best practises, from an operational and maintenance perspective, the aim is to accelerate the development and implementation of economically viable solutions, for retrofit as well as for new and advanced technologies and solutions, in line with the user community’s needs.


ETN hydrogen and other alternative fuels reports

Please find all reports from ETN’s working groups here.

Interested to join this Working Group? Please send an email to info[at]etn.global

Not a member yet? Find out more about the ETN membership here.



Rene Vijgen, ETN


ETN Hydrogen Report

ETN Hydrogen Gas Turbines report – “The path towards a zero-carbon gas turbine” 


EU’s hydrogen strategy – ETN members invited to provide input

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on “A EU Hydrogen Strategy”. The strategy seeks to explore the potential of clean hydrogen to help decarbonising the economy in a cost-effective way, in line with the European Commission’s 2050 climate neutrality goal. The Commission’s roadmap gives further information on the scope of this initiative.

ETN has drafted a position paper, based on the previous discussions within ETN’s Hydrogen Working Group, and plans to submit the document to the European Commission’s consultation. ETN members are invited to provide their comments and feedback on the paper to Ugo Simeoni (us[at]etn.global) by Friday 5 June 2020. Please note that the position paper cannot exceed 4000 characters and should address the following topics:

  • Identify the role that clean hydrogen can play in the EU climate and energy strategy.
  • Main barriers that prevent the scaling-up of the production and the use of clean hydrogen
  • Identify a set of actions to address the barriers and foster a competitive European value-chain.
  • Identify regulatory measures to deploy hydrogen as an energy carrier
  • Identify the use of different funding instruments.
  • Engaging international community and promoting international cooperation.

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Upcoming event(s)

  • | ETN Global’s 12th International Gas Turbine Conference (IGTC)Save the date!...  Read more.

Past event(s)

  • | Annual General Meeting and Workshop 2025Registration is closed. ...  Read more.

  • | ETN Global October Workshop 2024Registration closed....  Read more.

  • | Career in turbomachinery – ASME Turbo Expo 2024If you are an engineering student and want to know what your options are in turbomachinery sector, register to our event at ASME in London....  Read more.

  • | Annual General Meeting and Workshop 2024Registration is closed....  Read more.

  • | ETN’s 11th International Gas Turbine Conference (IGTC)Registration is now closed....  Read more.

  • | Annual General Meeting and Workshop 2023REGISTRATION CLOSED!...  Read more.

  • | Annual General Meeting and Workshop 2022Registrations closed....  Read more.

  • | ETN Hydrogen Working Group meetingETN's Hydrogen Working Group will hold their next teleconference meeting on 10 January 2022...  Read more.

  • | [ETN H2WG taskforce] GT enclosure standard for hydrogen fuelThe kick-off meeting of ETN's Hydrogen Working Group taskforce - Gas Turbine Enclosure for Hydrogen Fuel will take place on 10 September 2021, 15:00-16:30 CET...  Read more.

  • | Is Hydrogen the Answer to Low-Emission Turbomachinery?ETN is partnering with Turbomachinery International to organise a webcast on 29 July...  Read more.

  • | GT enclosure standard for hydrogen fuel case – discussion with ETN membersAt the ETN Workshop TC4 session in March, it was highlighted that there is no standard with respect to hydrogen and enclosures. The aim of this call is to verify the interest of ETN members...  Read more.

  • | Virtual Annual General Meeting & Workshop Week 2021Presentations are now available...  Read more.

  • | UKCCSRC Summer web Series “Step toward 100% hydrogen gas turbines”Free webinar by Prof. Richard Marsh from the Cardiff University: "Steps toward 100% hydrogen gas turbines"....  Read more.

  • | Virtual Annual General Meeting and Workshop Week 2020ETN's AGM & Workshop will be held online due to COVID-19...  Read more.

  • | ETN October Workshop 2019ETN's October Workshop will take place on 1-2 October 2019 in Florence, Italy...  Read more.

  • | Annual General Meeting and Workshop 2019ETN’s Annual General Meeting & Workshop will be held on 27-28 March 2019 in Pau, France...  Read more.