Category: News & Events

  • Draft Carbon Leakage List Published By The European Commission

    On 5 May, the European Commission sent a draft proposal for a 2015-2019 carbon leakage list to the EU Climate Change Committee. In its draft, the EC proposed that 175 industry sectors out of the 245 in total should be entitled to get most of their allowances for free over 2015-2019 to help them meet obligations under the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS).

  • European Parliament’s Committee Approve 2018 Carbon Market Reform

    On 24 February, a draft law to reform the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS), aimed at reducing the surplus of carbon credits available for trading in order to artificially boost the price, was backed by Environment Committee (ENVI) members in a vote. The MEPs were in favor of introducing early the mechanism known as MSR (Market Stability Reserve), by the end of 2018, three years earlier than the European Commission’s proposal.

  • he European Commission Published 2030 Climate And Energy Goals

    The European Commission today published first proposals on its 2030 energy and climate policy framework. In particular, the Commission proposed a binding greenhouse gas reduction target of 40% and a renewables target of 27%. The Commission also published draft legislation for structural reforms of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

  • ETN-IEA Workshop: The Workshop Summary Is Now Available

    To strengthen the cooperation between International Energy Agency and ETN, ETN was invited to participate in a Workshop to review the final draft of the chapter on gas power technologies in IEA’s Energy Technology Perspectives 2014.

  • Official Horizon 2020 Draft Work Programmes Published

    On 21 November, the European Commission published the draft Work Programmes, although these documents are subject to change before their formal adoption by Member States. These key documents give potential participants a heads-up on the expected main lines of the Work Programmes for 2014-2015 before the first call on 11 December.

  • City University London Publishes An Article On The ETN Workshop 2013

    City University London published an article on the ETN Workshop that took place on 9-10 October 2013 in London, UK. The Workshop was hosted by City University London.

  • ETN’s Participation At The 3rd Annual Gas Turbine World China Summit

    ETN is participating to the 3rd Annual Gas Turbine World China Summit, set to take place on 30-31 October 2013 in Shanghai China and has obtained a 20% reduction fee for ETN member organisations. To register and benefit from the negotiated fee, please send an email to Michael Gao or call +86 21 5058 9600 (ext 8008) and mention that you are a member of ETN.

  • EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)

    On 3 July, the European Parliament voted in favour of the European Commission’s (EC) proposal to postpone the auctioning of 900 million emission allowances (backloading) of the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) for the 2013-2020 period (third ETS trading period). This represents the second attempt to rescue the EU ETS after the European Parliament voted against the EC’s proposal on 16 April 2013. The European Parliament’s endorsement of the proposal gives a mandate to the text’s rapporteur to begin negotiations with the Council in order to reach a first-reading agreement.

  • Latest Developments On Horizon 2020

    On 25 June, the Irish EU presidency reached an agreement with the European Parliament and the European Commission, after nine “trilogue” meetings held during the last six months. They agreed on a 70.2 billion euro budget for the next R&D funding programme, running from 2014 to 2020. The figure of 70.2 billion euro is final, although the overall EU budget still needs a final sign off by EU member states.

  • ETN Annual General Meeting And Workshop

    The ETN Annual General Meeting and Workshop took place on 16-17 April 2013 in Pisa, Italy. In the afternoon of 15 April, members also had the opportunity to visit ENEL’s Sesta testing Facilities. During the event, over 85 participants joined to discuss ETN’s activities over the past year and its outlook for the future.



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