2025 Brian Pitt Excellence Award: A Master’s Thesis Competition

About Brian Pitt Excellence Award

The Brian Pitt Excellence Award pays tribute to Brian Pitt, a former Rolls-Royce employee and co-founder of the Association of European Manufacturers of Industrial Gas Turbines (EuMIGT) in 1997. He also served as a supporting partner in the CE-IGT (Centres of Excellence for Industrial Gas Turbines) project between 2003-2005.

Throughout his professional journey, Brian Pitt was devoted to fortifying the European research landscape in gas turbines. His vision encompassed the establishment of a centre of excellence for gas turbine technology, aiming to boost efficiency, cut costs, and expedite innovation. Pitt was a proponent of dismantling traditional barriers among companies, start-ups, and universities by fostering collaboration and the exchange of ideas. He championed open collaboration involving customers, suppliers, university researchers, and even competitors, seeking to facilitate access to high-quality ideas and drive innovation in gas turbine technology. His significant contributions played a crucial role in the formation of what we now identify as ETN Global, thanks to his close association with Christer Björkqvist, the Managing Director of ETN.

The Brian Pitt Excellence Award acknowledges individuals who exemplify Pitt’s commitment to excellence and innovation in the gas turbine field.



Registration is now open: Stage I (Abstract Submission) – Submit your abstract in the section below 

About the competition

Master’s students now have a remarkable opportunity to present their pioneering research in the ever-evolving domains of energy and turbomachinery, carrying forward the legacy initiated by Brian Pitt in the past. This competition aims to recognize outstanding contributions made by Master’s students, nurturing their career advancement in both academic and industry spheres. The ETN Young Engineers Committee spearheads this competition with support from the ETN Office.

The competition winner will receive:

  • A fully funded invitation to attend the ETN Global’s 12th International Gas Turbine Conference (IGTC) on 14-15 October 2025 in Brussels (Belgium). The invitation covers round-trip travel expenses, accommodation and registration fees, and
  • the opportunity to submit an invitation paper and present their research to the entire Energy & Turbomachinery community (subject to approval by the IGTC Conference Advisory Board).

The other four finalists will receive:

  • discounted fee to attend the 12th International Gas Turbine Conference  (they will receive the same fee and condition as ETN Global YEC Members).

Join us in celebrating and advancing the field of energy and turbomachinery. Seize this opportunity to be recognised for your innovative contributions and connect with leading professionals in the industry! Good luck to all participants!

For inquiries or additional information, please contact Giuseppe Tilocca at gt@etn.global

The eligible participants must adhere to all the criteria mentioned below:

  • Enrollment in the participation is available for master’s students currently registered in a Master’s Programme at one of the ETN Global-affiliated universities (ETN members). The assignment of a Master’s thesis subject must have already taken place, and the thesis defence should occur no later than September 30, 2025. Individuals who submitted their Master’s Thesis after October 1, 2024, are also eligible to participate.
  • The subject of the Master’s Thesis should be related to one or more of the following five categories in the domain of turbomachinery.
    • Low Carbon Solutions,
    • Energy Efficiency,
    • Operational Optimisation,
    • Decentralised Energy Systems,
    • Product Sustainability.

For further information on the topics of interest, candidates are encouraged to make use of the 2023 ETN Research and Development Report and ETN Technology Wheel

The competition is organised in three stages:

  • Stage I: Initial Abstract Submission: deadline 4th April 2025
  • Stage II: Summarised Thesis Submission: deadline 16th May 2025
  • Stage III: Online Competition Event: 2nd July 2025

The first two stages consist of written submissions, whilst the competition will be an online space for students to present their work in front of academics and industry leaders in the energy and turbomachinery field.

Stage I – Abstract submission

Participants are required to submit a 400 word abstract of their thesis, highlighting key aspects of their research. The abstract should provide an overview of the research question aims and key objectives, the methods used and the (expected) results and outcome of the study.

  • Abstract should contain:
    • Title of the MSc Thesis, names of Author and Supervisor(s), affiliation and full addresses of Author and Supervisor(s).
    • Up to five keywords in descending order of importance.
    • Language: All abstracts must be written in high-quality English, and authors of selected papers must be able to present their topics in English.
  • Submission procedure: see the Registration section below.

Stage II – Summarised thesis

Upon successful abstract selection, participants will be invited to submit a summarised version of their work. The summarised thesis should provide an introduction and background on the challenge being tackled, and the potential impact of your research and its relevance to the broader academic community or real-world applications, it should provide a short literature review justifying the selection of the study and how it addresses current challenges or gaps in knowledge, methods should be clearly explained with supporting literature as to their selection, and results must be presented and analysed with a corresponding conclusion.

  • Format: PDF document, from 6 to 10 pages in total, including all the sections required.
  • Document formatting guidelines:
  • Evaluation rubric: The reports will be evaluated based on the Report Evaluation Rubric.
  • Submission procedure: those whose abstract was accepted, submit your summarised thesis report by filling in the following form before 10 May at 17:00 CEST – Submission Form.

Stage III – Competition event

After the evaluation of the stage II submissions, five selected participants will be invited to present their summarised theses in a 7-minute presentation during the Energy & Turbomachinery Network Master’s Thesis Competition. The presentations will provide an opportunity for participants to showcase their work and engage with the judging panel. The presentation should cover the information provided in the summarised thesis, respecting the time limit. It should communicate the research effectively and covers the main aspects of your thesis, including the problem statement, methodology, results, and conclusions. More information and guidelines will be provided to the contestants at this stage.

  • Date: The event will be held on July 2025 (TBC), it will have a duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • Format: PPT presentation, 7 minutes max. + 3 minutes Q&A.
  • Submission procedure: you will be contacted by the organising committee for further instructions.
  • Notification of winner: winner will be announced at the end of the event.

A panel composed of ETN members will evaluate based on the:

  • Relevance of the topic,
  • Originality of the work (how your work contributes to the existing body of knowledge in your field and what makes it stand out),
  • Quality of academic writing,
  • Impact in the field,
  • Communication and presentation skills.

The winner of the 2025 Brian Pitt Excellence Award will receive a fully funded invitation to attend the 12th International Gas Turbine Conference (IGTC) on 14-15 October 2025 in Brussels (Belgium)

The prize for the winner includes the following:

  • Exclusive chance to be invited to present their investigation results in front of a diverse and influential audience at the 12th International Gas Turbine Conference (IGTC).
  • Round-trip travel expenses, accommodation and registration fees for participation at the 12th International Gas Turbine Conference (IGTC) in Brussels, Belgium.
  • A distinctive certification acknowledging the victorious achievements in the competition.
  • Networking opportunities with professionals and experts in the field.

(The winning participant must be available to attend the 12th International Gas Turbine Conference (IGTC) scheduled on 14-15 October 2025 in Brussels, Belgium )

Two other prizes are awarded for the other four finalists:

  • An exclusive certification recognising their participation in the final round.
  • A discounted fee to attend the 12th International Gas Turbine Conference  (same fee and condition as ETN Global YEC Members).
  • The possibility of presenting a poster of their project during the 12th International Gas Turbine Conference (IGTC)

Registration for the 2025 Brian Pitt Excellence Award: Maste5’s Thesis Competition is OPEN.

Stage: abstract submission.

If you are interested in participating, submit your abstract in the form below. 

Brian Pitt Excellence Award 2025: A Master's Thesis Competition Registration Form
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Participant Name
Include your country calling code
Supervisor Name
Did you defend your Master Thesis already?
I hereby confirm I meet either of the two enrolment requirements for the competition.
Can you participate in the online competition remotely on July 2, 2025?
I hereby confirm my availability to participate in the online competition which will be held on July 2, 2025.
Can you deliver a technical presentation in English?
I hereby confirm I can deliver a technical presentation in English.
Have a look at the BPEA Topics or the ETN Technology Wheel (Eligibility section)
up to 5 separated by ;

Rewatch the kickoff webinar that took place on January 16, 2025.

This webinar is intended for university professors, readers, and supervisors and is hosted by YEC Member Emma Vizzino (RWE). It will provide an introduction to the award and an overview of its key elements, including:
  • Eligibility
  • Format
  • Timeline
  • Topics
  • Prizes and Recognitions

Additionally, we will feature the experience of last year’s finalist, now YEC member Alberto Patti (Universitá di Genova), who will share his perspective from the inside.

Download the slide deck here.

Watch the recording here:

BPEA 2024 Online Competition

The online competition of the Brian Pitt Excellence Award was held on July 3rd where five master’s students presented their thesis results and competed for a grant to travel and attend the ETN October Workshop 2024.

Simona Calenda from Politecnico di Milano won the competition. A big thank you to all participants throughout the competition, and best of luck to everyone in their future career endeavors.

Make sure to stay updated for the opening of the 2025 edition.

Online Competition: Recorded Video



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