Category: News & Events

  • The Delegation From The US Department Of Energy Visits The ETN Office

    On 19 September 2014, the delegation from the US Department of Energy and the Cranfield University came to the ETN office to discuss opportunities for future cooperation.

  • White Rose CCS Project To Receive Funding Under The European NER300 Funding

    The European Commission announced that the UK based White Rose CCS Project will be awarded up to €300 million in funding as part of the second round of NER300 programme. Capture Power, the developer of the project, is a joint venture set up by Alstom, Drax and BOC to develop White Rose in close co-operation with National Grid, who will provide the CO2 transportation and storage infrastructure.

  • Commission Publishes Energy Efficiency Communication

    On 23 July 2014, the European Commission published a Communication on Energy efficiency and its contribution to energy security and the 2030 Framework for climate and energy policy. The European Commission proposes a target of increasing energy efficiency by 30 % by 2030, and suggests extending the current energy efficiency framework into the new 2030 package of EU climate and energy policies. The Commission has left it to

  • Publication Of BP’s Statistical Review

    In June, BP published its 63rd Annual Statistical Review of World Energy. The report shows that the year 2013 saw an acceleration in the growth of global energy consumption, despite a stagnant global economy. Oil remains the world’s leading fuel, with 32.9% of global energy consumption, but it also continued to lose market share for the fourteenth consecutive year. Globally, natural gas accounted for 23.7% of primary energy consumption. Coal’s share of global primary energy consumption reached 30.1%, the highest since 1970. Nuclear output accounted for 4.4% of global energy consumption, the smallest share since 1984. The data in this review shows a flexible global energy system adapting to a changing world. To view the report please click here.

  • Italian Presidency Of The Council Of The European Union

    In July, Italy took on the rotating Presidency of the European Council until December 2014. Italy’s energy priorities will be to reach an agreement on the EU 2030 climate and energy policies framework, to address energy supply security and to make progress on the Medium Combustion Plant (MCP) Directive.

  • Alstom Board Chooses GE Offer

    On 21 July, GE informed that the Alstom Board of Directors has unanimously decided to positively recommend GE’s offer to acquire the Power and Grid businesses of Alstom.

  • Potential Energy Efficiency Binding Target For 2030

    The EU’s energy commissioner, Günther Oettinger, has called for a new legally-binding proposal this autumn to cut energy use by 2030, as a way of cutting Europe’s dependence on Russia for a third of its oil, and 39% of its gas supplies. Back in January 2014, the European Commission (EC) proposed a binding 40% greenhouse gas reduction objective compared to 1990 level and an EU-wide target of 27% for renewables by 2030. However, the EC did not include a target on energy efficiency as it would be implemented through the Energy Efficiency Directive, which is set to be reviewed in June 2014. The energy efficiency level target the EC is currently considering and whether the target would be binding on EU or national level is still unknown. For more information, please click here.

  • Joint Venture Between The Gas Turbine Services (GTS) Business Of Wood Group And The Siemens Energy Service TurboCare Business Unit.

    To view the press release, please click here.

  • Siemens To Acquire The Rolls-Royce Energy Gas Turbine And Compressor Business And Enter Into A Long-Term Technology Partnership

    To view the press release, please click here.

  • Sale Of 40% Of Ansaldo Energia To FSI-Shanghai Electric And Establishment Of Joint Ventures In China

    To view the press release, please click here.



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