Category: News & Events

  • EU Emission Trading System (ETS)

    n July 2015, the European Commission presented a legislative proposal to revise the EU ETS for the period after 2020.

  • New Report On CCS

    On 16 June, the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment launched their report in an event in Brussels: “Bridging the gap: improving the economic and policy framework for CCS in the European Union”. The report clearly states that the EU requires stronger policies to incentivise CCS such as having mandatory targets on CCS or introducing tailored incentives to support the intake of industrial CCS. It also calls for a more ambitious and coordinated actions as only a small number of Member States have introduced policies to support CCS.

  • EU ETS: ENVI Committee Voted On The Market Stability Reserve

    EU Emission Trading System (ETS) ““ Market Stability reserve: On 6 May, Member States and European Parliament (EP) agreed to bring forward the start date of a Market Stability Reserve to 1 January 2019 and this agreement was also backed by the Environment Committee on 26 May. The proposed law would create a system that automatically takes a portion of ETS allowances off the market and into the reserve if the surplus exceeds a certain threshold. In the opposite scenario, allowances could be returned to the market. The surplus of emission allowances, which has been building up in the system since 2009, is estimated at over 2 billion.

  • Large Combustion Plant BREF Review

    On 22 April, an ETN IED Committee member attended a webinar organised by the LCP BREF Review Team which aimed to provide further information/clarifications to the TWG on the preparation of the background paper (BP) and to revised BAT conclusions and next steps. The BP and the revised proposals for the BAT conclusions discussed during this webinar will be the basis for the discussions at the final meeting, set to take place from 1-9 June 2015 in Seville, Spain. An ETN IED Committee member will attend the meeting in June and will report back to ETN members.

  • Funding Opportunities: Call For Proposals On Low Carbon Energy Related Research And Development Projects

    EUROGIA2020 is a bottom-up, industry driven, market oriented programme which addresses all areas of the energy mix, from renewable energy to efficiency, and reduction of carbon footprint of fossil fuels

  • Conclusions Of The European Council Meeting: Energy

    Conclusions of the European Council Meeting: On 19 March, Member State leaders met to discuss energy issues, including the Energy Union Strategy Framework. Their discussions focused on energy security and transparency in gas contracts and they agreed that all gas contracts must be in line with EU law…

  • European Commission Presented A Proposal For A Future Energy Union

    On 25 February, the European Commission (EC) presented a proposal for a future Energy Union, a non-binding document outlining a wide range of initiatives to foster an EU-wide energy policy allowing for a free flow of energy throughout the EU territory.

  • Funding Opportunities: Call For Proposals On Low Carbon Energy Related Research And Development Projects

    EUROGIA2020, the EUREKA low-carbon energy technology cluster, announced its latest call (CALL 04) for the submission of transnational low-carbon energy related research and development projects.

  • Future Cuts On The Horizon 2020 Budget

    The European Commission has released details of which areas of research will be cut when €2.7 billion is taken from the  Horizon 2020 science programme and put into the new €315 billion investment fund.

  • 2030 Climate And Energy Package Agreed By Member States

    During the last EU Council meeting, held on 23-24 October in Brussels, Member States agreed on the 2030 Package, covering Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reduction, energy efficiency, renewable energy, interconnections and the Emissions Trading System (ETS). Central and Eastern European countries, led by Poland, succeeded in getting financial concessions in return for signing up to the package.



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