Archives: Gas Turbine Products
This two-shaft gas turbine designed for mechanical drive and power generation applications. With a power turbine speed of 7,800 rpm, it is ideally suited for pipeline compression with direct coupling to the latest PCL pipeline compressors featuring high performance stages and 89% or higher compressor efficiency.
This single-shaft turbine is a compact, heavy-duty prime mover designed for long life and ease of operation and maintenance. The three main features of its simple design are a 17-stage, axial compressor; combustion system with 10 chambers capable of burning a wide range of fuels (DLN also available); and a two-stage turbine with high-energy stage […]
The MS5002 was introduced in the 1970s and has been updated and up-rated over the years to meet the industry’s increasing output requirements. The fleet continues to demonstrate ease of operation and very high reliability and availability.
This dual-shaft turbine has proven capabilities in power generation and mechanical drive applications, delivering high efficiency, low environmental impact and high reliability. It uses our state-of-the-art DLN2.5H combustion technology with over 14 million firing hours in GE’s F/FA frame gas turbine class, but with firing temperature about 100°C lower to maximize hot parts life.
These turbines are fuel-flexible, and can operate on natural gas, liquefied natural gas (LNG), distillate and treated residual oil in a variety of applications including: mechanical drive for large compressor trains; simple cycle and combined cycle; base load and peaking power generation; industrial and cogeneration.
These turbines are fuel-flexible, and can operate on natural gas, liquefied natural gas (LNG), distillate and treated residual oil in a variety of applications including: mechanical drive for large compressor trains; simple cycle and combined cycle; base load and peaking power generation; industrial and cogeneration.
These turbines are fuel-flexible, and can operate on natural gas, liquefied natural gas (LNG), distillate and treated residual oil in a variety of applications including: mechanical drive for large compressor trains; simple cycle and combined cycle; base load and peaking power generation; industrial and cogeneration.
The rugged, reliable 6B.03 heavy duty gas turbine is a popular choice for refineries, natural gas liquefaction power, CHP applications, and industrial power. Its ability to operate in island mode, coupled with its 94.6% availability, make the 6B.03 an ideal solution for remote installations and extreme operating conditions far from the grid.
The 6F.01 gas turbine achieves nearly 56% efficiency in 2×1 combined cycle arrangement, and more than 80% efficiency in cogeneration operation. Its 600 °C exhaust temperature enables up to 140 bar high pressure steam for combined cycle power generation or cogeneration.
The 6F.01 gas turbine achieves nearly 56% efficiency in 2×1 combined cycle arrangement, and more than 80% efficiency in cogeneration operation. Its 600 °C exhaust temperature enables up to 140 bar high pressure steam for combined cycle power generation or cogeneration.