Young Engineers Committee

Facilitate a successful energy transition

A network of committed young engineers promoting fresh perspectives for a sustainable world and society

Our aim is to:

  • Bring in a future generation of engineers and leaders in ETN to enable a successful transition to a carbon-neutral society;
  • Provide a platform for exchanging ideas;
  • Provide a platform/means of bringing these ideas into a project and to capitalize those ideas;
  • Provide an opportunity for young engineers to meet colleagues from other companies to exchange market views and business cultures;
  • Provide new views within our industry which might help in convincing the public and policy makers of the need for our approach in the energy field;
  • Provide a means for the various companies to support their new employees and to assist them in their career development;
  • Provide (for the participating companies) the development of managerial (and other) skills and industry awareness; keeping in mind that supporting its young personnel will eventually result in happy employees and the retention of these engineers within the company and the sector;
  • Build networks, trust, and friendship amongst the various YEC members.

Engagement of involved engineers will be facilitated by the ETN Office, its Project Board, and Member representatives

The objectives of the Young Engineers Committee are to:

  • Develop future leaders in the sector: To encourage development, retention, and promotion of well-informed engineering leaders in the turbomachinery field by enabling cross-sector collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Ensure continuity: To sustain ETN’s work through a complementary network, to stimulate exchange of ideas, and further widening and dissemination of ETN’s activities within the member companies.
  • Pass on experience: Guided by ETN’s Emeritus Members which are acknowledged and experienced experts and past leaders in the GT industry, young engineers can learn about broader aspects of the energy industry. They can maximize these benefits by incorporating their views and experiences regarding the low-carbon energy transition, new technology innovation, digitalisation, and social networking.
  • Provide valuable contributions: Engaging directly with ETN leadership and Project Board to perform studies, technology reviews, smaller projects and in some cases provide support to ongoing projects in ETN’s Working Groups and/or Technical Committees.
  • Promote low-carbon technologies: Using social media and other tools to highlight our sector’s commitment to enable the required carbon emission reductions in the energy transition by providing secure, flexible and cost-competitive carbon-neutral (or carbon-negative) turbomachinery energy solutions. Young people and their perception of the industry are key to convey this message and are also key in attracting more promising engineering students towards our universities as well as relevant industries.

Young Engineers Committee held their launch meeting on 6 July 2020 – see more details here.

For more information, please contact Giuseppe Tilocca at gt[at]



The YEC is currently working on the following few activities:

  • Coordination of the Master Thesis Competition,
  • Promotion of the Energy and Turbomachinery fields amongts students,
  • Alternative Fuels taskforce – developing a methodology to rank alternative fuels,
  • App-development taskforce.

The YEC holds monthly teleconference meetings.

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