Month: December 2022
ETN’s summary report “Combustion challenges of hydrogen addition to natural gas” is now available for download! Latest NewsRead moreNew chapter within ETN Global’s Project Board: announcement of new chairsETN Global publishes Laser-powder bed fusion (LPBF) machine evaluation initiative reportETN Global publishes a White Paper “Critical role of dispatchable power generation for a sustainable and secure energy transition”ETN Global’s Hydrogen Gas Turbines Report was featured in Turbomachinery InternationalETN Global’s last Quarterly Newsletter [...]
IGTC-23 Call for Papers-extended deadline!
ETN & the CAB announce extension for call for papers for IGTC-23 with abstract submission deadline by 09 January 2023.
ETN publishes an article for Enlit 2022 Conference! Latest NewsRead moreNew chapter within ETN Global’s Project Board: announcement of new chairsETN Global publishes Laser-powder bed fusion (LPBF) machine evaluation initiative reportETN Global publishes a White Paper “Critical role of dispatchable power generation for a sustainable and secure energy transition”ETN Global’s Hydrogen Gas Turbines Report was featured in Turbomachinery InternationalETN Global’s last Quarterly Newsletter [...]