International Gas Turbine Conferences
ETN Global’s 12th International Gas Turbine Conference (IGTC)
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ETN’s 11th International Gas Turbine Conference (IGTC)
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10th International Gas Turbine Conference – Gas turbines in a carbon-neutral society
ETN’s 10th IGTC will be held virtually on 11-15 October 2021
9th International Gas Turbine Conference – The Future of Gas Turbine Technology ABOUT IGTC The International Gas Turbine Conference is a well-established and renowned biennial conference, organised by ETN, representing the whole gas turbine community. Its objective is to raise the awareness of gas turbine (GT) and turbomachinery technology development needs – from oil & gas, power generation and industrial operators’ perspectives – and to explore and [...]
8th International Gas Turbine Conference – The Future of Gas Turbine Technology The IGTC-16 took place on 12 and 13 October 2016 at Le Plaza Hotel in Brussels, Belgium. ABOUT IGTC-16 The 2016 edition of the International Gas Turbine Conference provided top level discussions and debates regarding the future of the gas turbine technology, with the participation of users from both power generation and oil and [...]
7th International Gas Turbine Conference – The Future of Gas Turbine Technology The 7th International Gas Turbine Conference (IGTC-14) focused on the required future GT technology developments from a user's and a political point of view, with special focus on: The role played by gas turbines in the future international energy policy mix, where intermittent sources of renewable energy may significantly increase and nuclear capacity may drastically [...]
6th International Gas Turbine Conference – The Future Of Gas Turbine Technology
17-18 October 2012, Thon Hotel EU, Brussels, Belgium The conference welcomed more than 160 participants from 20 different countries and 80 companies. Final Programme Please click here to see the Conference Programme. Keynote sessions The keynote sessions at the IGTC-12 were devoted to the contribution of GT technology to climate change mitigation, emissions reduction, energy efficiency and to the flexible, integrated […]
5th International Gas Turbine Conference – The Future Of Gas Turbine Technology
The 5th International Gas Turbine Conference took place in the Conrad Hotel in Brussels, Belgium on 27-28 October 2010, focusing on the future of gas turbine (GT) technology from a users’, a research and a political point of view. It explored the market outlook and the role played today by gas turbines in the international […]
4th International Gas Turbine Conference – The Future Of Gas Turbine Technology
The 4th International Gas Turbine Conference – Future of Gas Turbine Technology was held in Brussels on 15-16 October 2008. More than 140 participants from Europe, US, Middle East and Asia attended the conference. A quarter of them were gas turbine users, and more than a third from OEMs and third party suppliers. Participants gathered […]