Month: May 2017
9th International Gas Turbine Conference: The Date And Venue Are Now Confirmed!
The 9th International Gas Turbine Conference will take place on 10 and 11 October 2018 in Brussels (Belgium).
In Brussels, The Hot Topic Of The Moment Is The 2030 Energy Efficiency Target
The first item of the Clean Energy package (see QNL 2-17 p.6) to be discussed is the energy efficiency and the related target for 2030, which are now debated within the European Parliament and the Council. Both institutions have to adopt their own position before negotiating between each other. This debate will have tremendous consequences on the European energy outlook for the decades to come. The current target is non-binding and aims at a reduction 27% by 2030 compared with “the business-as-usual scenario”.
ETN Attended Politico And Enel Conference “Europe’s Changing Energy Markets”
On Monday 22 May, the reference media on EU policy Politico organised with ENEL a conference, which ETN attended, on “Europe’s changing energy markets”.
Dominique Orhon (Total), Member Of The Year 2017!
It is now a tradition. Every year during its Annual General Meeting, ETN rewards the commitment and dedication of one of its members’ representative.
IGTC 2018: Become A Member Of The Conference Advisory Board And/Or A Reviewer!
During our 2017 Annual General Meeting in Oberhausen, the Vice-president of ETN Cath Goy (Uniper) launched a call for people to join the Conference Advisory Board or become a paper-reviewer in view of the next edition of the International Gas Turbine Conference.