Publication Category: Position Papers

  • The Importance of Flexible and Efficient Power Generation in Horizon 2020

    ETN has published a position paper, in collaboration with EPPSA, Eurelectric, EUTurbines, Eurogas, Euracoal, GERG and Marcogaz, on the Research Priorities of the upcoming Horizon 2020 EU funded R&D Programme (2014-2020). The position paper will be submitted to European Union representatives and aims to feed in to the final decision by EU law-makers, on the […]

  • Enabling the Increasing Share of Renewable Energy in the Grid

    This ETN position paper discusses the technological impact of incorporating large volumes of variable renewable energy into the electricity grid, examining the problems that will spring from this, as well as possible solutions. It will focus especially on the need for back-up power to balance intermittent renewable energy sources for grid stabilisation, and the impact […]

  • The Impact of Natural Gas Quality

  • Gas Turbine Fuel Flexibility

    Current gas turbine technology for power and heat generation is generally optimized for natural gas. This is a well developed and efficient conversion technology, producing low NOx emission levels. The challenge of global climate change has become incontestable, which calls for a drastic reduction of CO2 emissions in the coming decades. Carbon Capture and Storage […]

  • Gas Turbine Air Filtration Technology

    This paper discusses the level of filtration required to meet existing OEM (Gas Turbine Original Equipment Manufacturer) specifications, existing filtration international test standards and the commercial and technical benefits available to operators by applying enhanced Hepa H Class filtration technology to their gas turbine fleet to significantly reduce fouling of the compressor blades and consequential […]



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