ETN and COGEN Europe joint input to SET-Plan Issue Paper 5 (Energy Efficiency in buildings)

In September 2015, the European Commission adopted a Communication for an Integrated Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan). The Communication identifies ten priority actions to accelerate the energy system transformation that should facilitate coordinated or joint investments by individual Member States, between Member States and with the EU.

Following the online publication of the draft issue paper on SET-Plan Action °5 (Energy Efficiency in Buildings) where the EC identified “Efficient and smart cogeneration (CHP) for buildings (e.g. micro and small scale CHP)” and “innovative heating and cooling systems” as relevant technologies and solutions, ETN and COGEN Europe have jointly prepared an input paper highlighting the importance of micro-CHP in the future energy sector, with a particular focus on micro-CHP coupled with micro gas turbines.

Download ETN and COGEN Europe joint input to SET-Plan Issue Paper 5 (Energy Efficiency in buildings):



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