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Read moreSupercritical CO2 Working Group launched
ETN’s new Supercritical CO2 Working Group was launched with the following objectives:
Develop, enable and optimise the use of supercritical CO2 power cycles by:
- Highlighting potential use, applications and benefits.
- Paving the way for funding opportunities by highlighting the research needs on sCO2 based power cycles, in order to contribute to their deployment in the future energy system
- Addressing operational issues/effects on components (turbomachinery, heat exchangers and combustion systems) related to the use of sCO2
- Exploring market opportunities
- Assessing and addressing operational safety aspects of sCO2-cycles based power plants
- Fostering the use of sCO2 as working fluid for power generation
- Creating a database of European open test beds
ETN drafted a one-pager outlining the applications, state-of-the-art and research needs of sCO2 power cycles, and will organise a teleconference with the sCO2 Working Group in late August to discuss the draft document and the next steps. If you would like to join this Working Group and attend the online meeting, please contact Ugo Simeoni (us[at]etn.global).