Month: July 2017
Noora Kilpinen, New Communications Officer
Noora Kilpinen will be the new Communications Officer, replacing ETn’s Policy and Communications Manager Thibault Jacobs-Boutherin, from 12 July 2017.
Pericles Pilidis Awarded For ASME Paper
ETN is proud to announce that Pericles Pilidis, member of our Board of directors has received a Best Paper Award for his work on Gas turbines for land use submitted to ASME.
Public Workshop On Europe Energy Futures By 2020-2025 By ENTSO-E
The European network of transmission system operations for electricity (ENTSO-E) held on 4 July a Public Workshop on Europe energy futures by 2020-2025. The presentations are now available online on their website. You can find them here.