Publication Category: Press Releases & publications

  • Press Release: New ETN President, Bernard Quoix Of Total

    On 27 April 2010 the Annual General Assembly in Amsterdam elected the ETN Board for 2010-2011. Bernard Quoix of Total was elected President by the Board members. Bernard Quoix is currently Head of Rotating Machines Department of TOTAL Exploration and Production. He is in charge of all rotating machines for new projects as well as […]

  • Progress Towards Implementation Of IGCC-CCS In Europe, ICEPAG-10

    Christer Björkqvist  (ETN) as the coordinator of the H2-IGCC project was invited by the US Department of Energy to speak at the International Colloquium on Environmentally Preferred Advanced Power Generation (ICEPAG-10), in February 2010 in the USA. ICEPAG is a 3-day event focusing on advanced distributed generation and central plant technologies. Mr Björkqvist  presented an overview of IGCC-CCS projects […]

  • Publication: ISO Standard On Gas Turbine Safety

    The new International Standard on gas turbine safety has been under development for over seven years, originally initiated by EuMIGT (European Manufacturers of Industrial Gas Turbines). The standard was published on 12 February 2009. The standard grew from concerns over a perceived risk of incidents, and the need for a uniform approach to safety. Desire […]



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