Archives: Publications
ETN’s Input To Issue Paper 9 On CCS And CCU Following the online publication of the draft issue paper on SET-Plan Action 9, ETN provided some comments on the paper.
ETN’s input to Issue Paper 4: Energy Systems
ETN welcomes the European Commission’s initiative to clarify and prioritise the actions and research needs within the updated SET-Plan and matching them to the pillars of the Energy Union. ETN appreciates the opportunity to participate in the dedicated stakeholder’s consultation on the “Issue Paper No. 4: Energy Systems (Increase the resilience, security and smartness of […]
ETN and COGEN Europe joint input to SET-Plan Issue Paper 5 (Energy Efficiency in buildings)
In September 2015, the European Commission adopted a Communication for an Integrated Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan). The Communication identifies ten priority actions to accelerate the energy system transformation that should facilitate coordinated or joint investments by individual Member States, between Member States and with the EU. Following the online publication of the draft issue […]
ETN and EUTurbines joint input to SET-Plan Issue Paper 6 (EE in energy intensive industries)
In September 2015, the European Commission adopted a Communication for an Integrated Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan). The Communication identifies ten priority actions to accelerate the energy system transformation that should facilitate coordinated or joint investments by individual Member States, between Member States and with the EU. To ensure the continuation of efforts to make […]
Comments to the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)
In a joint effort with Pratt & Whitney and E.ON, ETN has submitted on 14 February 2013 comments to the LCD BREF Review Team of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (EC) regarding the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). The comments have been received positively by the EC representatives and ETN has been invited […]
Response to Industrial Emissions Directive by EU
In a joint effort by ETN, Pratt & Whitney and E.ON an opinion on the current legislative negotiations taking place has been submitted to the LCD BREF Review Committee of the EU’s Joint Research Centre.
The Importance of Flexible and Efficient Power Generation in Horizon 2020
ETN has published a position paper, in collaboration with EPPSA, Eurelectric, EUTurbines, Eurogas, Euracoal, GERG and Marcogaz, on the Research Priorities of the upcoming Horizon 2020 EU funded R&D Programme (2014-2020). The position paper will be submitted to European Union representatives and aims to feed in to the final decision by EU law-makers, on the […]
Enabling the Increasing Share of Renewable Energy in the Grid
This ETN position paper discusses the technological impact of incorporating large volumes of variable renewable energy into the electricity grid, examining the problems that will spring from this, as well as possible solutions. It will focus especially on the need for back-up power to balance intermittent renewable energy sources for grid stabilisation, and the impact […]
Current gas turbine technology for power and heat generation is generally optimized for natural gas. This is a well developed and efficient conversion technology, producing low NOx emission levels. The challenge of global climate change has become incontestable, which calls for a drastic reduction of CO2 emissions in the coming decades. Carbon Capture and Storage […]