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Read moreOEM representation in ETN Board: call for candidates
Based on the positive experience of having the OEMs in the ETN Project Board, the ETN Board recommended adding two Board seats for the OEMs, in order to have all the stakeholders represented. As the General Assembly has the power to decide on this matter, the ETN members were invited to cast their vote in conjunction with the ETN Board election. 86% of ETN members were in favour of adding two seats for the OEMs to the ETN Board, and therefore the ETN office has launched a call for OEM Board candidates.
We would ask all OEMs who would like to nominate a candidate for the ETN Board to download the application form and send the completed form to the ETN office (nk[at]etn.global) by 25 September 2020.
Before submitting the form, the candidates should ensure that they have acceptance and support from their management in terms of dedicated time and traveling costs to attend the ETN Board meetings (4 per year: 3 in Brussels and 1 in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting).
The resumes of the Board candidates will be available on ETN’s website before the election.
Online voting will take place between 5 and 16 October 2020.