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Read moreISOP project officially launched!
Innovation in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Generation Systems (ISOP) project is funded by the EU Horizon Europe Marie-Sklodowska-Curie sub-programme (MSCA) (GA No. 101073266) and United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) public body.
It is a 48-month project with an overall budget of approximately EUR 4.45 mil. and will run for four years, between January 2023 and December 2026.
ISOP aims to understand sCO2 based power generation systems’ technology and its potential through research & development. This will enable a crucial change in thermal energy power cycles as a major contributor to achieving the 2050 zero emissions targets while providing specialised training for 17 doctoral researchers to help establish the backbone of an important industry.
ETN will receive two doctoral candidates. One will be placed for a period of 12 months, and working on the topic “Market uptake of supercritical CO2 power systems to enable carbon-neutrality by 2050”. The second candidate will be placed for 6 months and will cover the topic “Large Scale Energy Storage based on sCO2 systems”. Candidates’ secondment period will be specified later.
If you wish to follow ISOP project, please follow us on social media: LinkedIn.
Full press release can be downloaded here.