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Read moreETN's sCO2 webinar series featured in Jan-Febr 2024 Edition of Modern Power Systems magazine
ETN’s pioneering sCO2 webinar series were featured in an article in the Jan-Feb 2024 edition of Modern Power Systems magazine. Authored by James Varley, the Group Managing Editor, the article can be found under the section titled “Carbon dioxide: working fluid of the future?”
ETN’s webinar series on R&D activities in Europe serve as a platform to unveil the latest advancements in sCO2 technology, featuring nine EU-funded projects. Backed by funding from the Horizon research and innovation program, these initiatives signal a crucial milestone in the progression of energy and turbomachinery solutions.
The article outlines those nine leading European projects, hinting at promising outcomes including higher thermal efficiencies, reduced costs, lower emissions, and more compact components. From solar power to waste heat recovery, and even nuclear plant decay heat removal, these initiatives underscore the relentless pursuit of sustainability and efficiency.
Highlighted projects include:
- CARBOSOLA (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR))
- COMPASsCO2 Horizon2020
- iSOP Project
- SCO2-Efekt (Czech national project)
- SCO2-for-NPP Project
Please download the full article here.