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Read moreNew Communications And Policy Manager At ETN
Thibault Boutherin has been appointed as the new Communications and Policy Manager at the ETN office in Brussels, replacing Dominique Cornut from Thursday 1 September 2016. Thibault has been working in public affairs and institutional communications for 8 years, in Paris and London. He has worked as a parliamentary assistant with French MP Jack Lang and at the French ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment before serving as the Communications and Policy Advisor to the President of the oldest employers’ organisation in France, Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants d’entreprise (CJD). He then launched his own consultancy, operating at local, national and European levels in France and in the UK for business organisations, institutions, local authorities, political campaigns and industry-related events. Thibault holds two MAs in European affairs from IEP/Sciences-Po Paris and the College of Europe (Natolin) as well as a BA in Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian languages from Langues’O (Paris). For ETN, he will be in charge of internal and external communications, the organisation of our events and conferences and he will make sure that ETN strategically monitors the relevant policies and the EU Affairs at large, together with ETN’s Managing Director, Christer Björkqvist and the team in the office.
Contact: tb@etn-gasturbine.eu