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Read moreInteroperability Network Code And Gas Quality Standard: ETN At ENTSOG Workshop
In 2015, the European Commission adopted a Network code on interoperability to allow a further integration of the gas market. This document has been prepared by the European Network of the Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG).
Every year, ENTSOG organises a workshop, which takes stock on the implementation of this network code. ETN’s Vice-president Cath Goy and Policy and Communications Manager Thibault Boutherin attended the 3rd edition in November 2016, which focused on the question of a standard for the gas quality.
The standard EN 16726:2015, which CEN (European Committee for Standardization) has adopted will not be binding. However, there were debates regarding its integration to the Network code. A public consultation was carried out and ENTSOG presented its results, followed by discussions on the different scenarios for the standard application: should this standard apply on the whole value chain? At network interconnection points? Or should it only rely on a voluntary basis? ETN members can find a report of this meeting here.
During this meeting, it appeared that a working group set by CEN was dedicated to the harmonisation of the quality of high calorific gas (H-gas). A presentation of the work of this group is available here. ETN expressed interest in supporting this working group: any member of ETN willing to take part on ETN’s behalf is invited to contact Thibault Boutherin, at the office in Brussels: tb@etn-gasturbine.eu.