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Read moreIGTC 2016: Senior Executives And Experts From The Whole Value Chain Of Gas Turbines Gathered In One Place!
On 12th and 13th October 2016 in Brussels, ETN organises the 8th International Gas Turbine Conference. This event is a worldwide reference in the gas turbine community and will gather top level policy-makers, experts and senior executives from manufacturers, suppliers, end-users and R&D community.
– The International Gas turbine Conference debates and prepares “the Future of the Gas Turbine Technology”. It offers a platform on the crossroads of sciences, technology, policy & business related to gas turbine technology where attendees from all continents will have the opportunity to get an insight on future market opportunities, technology developments within the current –and future- policy framework. The agenda mixes keynote sessions, technical presentations but also debates and direct discussions.
– This worldwide-recognised event brings together in one place GT experts, executives and policy-makers for two working days. Confirmed keynote speakers from the European Commission, IEA, US Department of Energy, ExxonMobil, Total, Shell, Uniper and Engie as well as top-tier managers from all the major OEM’s:
· Akimasa Muyama, Director, Executive Vice-President, MHPS
· Tom Scarinci, Vice-President, Siemens
· Michael Leary, Systems Engineering Manager, GE Power
· Stefan Florjancic, Chief Technology Officer for R&D, Ansaldo Energia
· Mark Keith, Vice-President, Solar Turbines
· Sven-Hendrik Wiers, Vice-President Gas Turbines, MAN Diesel & Turbo
“This conference will be the opportunity to raise awareness on the relevance of the gas turbine technology, as an important contributor to a low carbon economy and a secure supply of energy” stresses the President of ETN Bernard Quoix, from Total.
“It is a unique opportunity to meet and network with senior executives, experts and policy makers! It is not to be missed!”, underlines Christer Björkqvist, ETN’s Managing Director.
Practical information:
12-13 October 2016
Le Plaza Hotel
Boulevard Adolphe Max 118-126
1000 Brussels, Belgium
The entire programme is available on www.etn-gasturbine.eu
For further details: Thibault Boutherin, Policy and Communications Manager: tb@etn-gasturbine.eu or +32 (0)2 646 15 77
About ETN: The European Turbine Network is a non-profit membership association bringing together the entire value chain of the gas turbine technology community. Through cooperative efforts and by initiating projects, ETN optimises gas turbine research and technology development and promotes environmentally sound gas turbine technology with reliable and low cost operation.