Category: News & Events

  • Ansaldo Buys Alstom Gas Turbine Assets From GE

    Ansaldo Energia has bought several Alstom gas turbine assets from GE.

  • GE’s Acquisition Of Alstom’s Power And Grid Business Is Official

    Following regulatory approval of a $10.6 billion transaction in over 20 countries and regions, GE’s acquisition of Alstom’s energy activities is now complete.

  • ETN Announces A New Cooperation With GTUsers.Com

    Brussels, Belgium – ETN and have decided to start a new cooperation. As both are user-driven gas turbine organisations, the cooperation is aiming to increase the impact and to making life easier for the gas turbine user community by combining and linking separate activities, which will reduce duplications of work/activities. The objective is to enforce the existing user groups and to increase the flow of information, development needs and requirements from the user community to the ETN platform and the entire value chain.

  • Horizon 2020 Work Programme For 2016-2017 Published

    On 13 October, the European Commission has published the new Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2016-2017, investing almost €16 billion in research and innovation in the next two years. The Competitive Low-carbon Energy call to support the commitment to diversify energy sources will receive €723 million.

  • Webinar: CCS As Least-Cost Options For Integrating Intermittent Renewables In Low-Carbon Power Systems

    Webinar organised by Global CCS Institute

    Date: Wednesday, 14 October 2015 – 6:00pm to 7:00pm

  • Engie And MHI Sign Power Sector Collaboration MoU

    France’s Engie and Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to collaborate on energy technology and on projects throughout the power sector value chain.

  • New Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan

    New Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan

    On 15 September 2015, the European Commission adopted the new Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan which aims to accelerate the development and deployment of low-carbon technologies. It seeks to improve new technologies and bring down costs by co-ordinating research and helping to finance projects.

  • Commission Clears GE’s Acquisition Of Alstom’s Power Generation And Transmission Assets

    Following an in-depth review, the Commission has approved the acquisition of Alstom’s energy businesses by General Electric subject to divestment of central parts of Alstom’s heavy duty gas turbines business to Ansaldo.

  • Call For Papers: 8th International Gas Turbine Conference

    The Call for Papers for the 8th IGTC-2016 has been published. The deadline to submit abstracts is 13 November 2015.

  • Total Confirms Its Withdrawal From Coal Production And Marketing

    Total no longer produces coal with the closing of the sale of mine operator Total Coal South Africa. Signed in summer 2014, the agreement to sell the affiliate to a local company has now been approved by the South African government, with the divestment taking effect on August 20.



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