How to join the Working Groups
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> 500 Professionals
Working Groups
Additive Manufacturing Working Group
Exchange knowledge and experiences on the added value that AM could generate, such as short delivery time, efficiency increase by optimised design and delivery of obsolete or urgent parts to shorten maintenance outages and overhauls
Current Activities:
High Temperature Turbine Blade Alloy for Additive Manufacturing
AM (L-PBF) Machine Evaluation Initiative
Air Filtration Working Group
- Improve GT performance, reliability and degradation with air filtration systems
- Collaborate on the creation of best practices, international standards, and state-of-the-art reports for the design, testing, and development of Air filtration systems for gas turbines
Current Activities:
Contribute to the creation of an ISO Standard on Test methods for static filter systems in coastal and offshore environments (ISO-DIS 29461-4)
Decentralised Energy Systems Working Group
- Identify and assess promising applications for gas turbine integration in decentralised energy systems
- Evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of integrating gas turbines with advanced control and energy management systems
- Address challenges of intermittent renewable energy with gas turbine solutions
Current Activities:
- Identification of open issues and gaps to close from the users’ point of view
- Report on advanced Decentralised Energy Systems capable of facilitating Carbon-Neutral Energy Solutions for Gas Turbines.
Digital Solutions and Diagnostics Working Group
- Improve the reliability, availability, product circularity, and performance of Gas Turbines by promoting the development and deployment of digital solutions within the Gas Turbine Industry
Current Activities:
- Disseminate and discover best practices to optimise performance and minimise risks through a series of online and in-person events.
Create a shared repository with relevant data on digital solutions for gas turbines.
Hydrogen and Other Alternative Fuels Working Group
- Share technical knowledge and experiences to advance safe and flexible low-carbon solutions for hydrogen blends and other sustainable fuels like ammonia.
- Collaborate on research and best practices for operational and maintenance aspects.
- Accelerate development and implementation of economically viable solutions for retrofit and new technologies.
- Address the user community’s needs for hydrogen and other sustainable fuel integration.
Current Activities:
- Updating the hydrogen project database.
- Task force working on updating the report on hydrogen gas turbines.
- Task force focusing on the safety of gas turbine enclosures.
- Conducting a webinar series on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).
- Collaborative effort on a master thesis related to CCS.
- Ammonia task force reviewing the actual developments and status of utilisation of NH3 in gas turbines.
- Working on an extended paper addressing alternative fuels.
Life Assessment and Extension Working Group
- Evaluate component life and non-destructive inspection techniques
- Understand and assess rotor integrity, compressor Integrity, and thermal fatigue and creep
Current Activities:
- Evaluating the remaining cyclic life of gas turbine parts and exploring the possibility of extending maintenance intervals for units operating under cyclic duties,
- Evaluation of compressor integrity and reliability.
Supercritical CO2 Working Group
- Highlight potential use, applications, and benefits of supercritical CO2 power cycles
- Identify research needs for sCO2-based power cycles to contribute to their deployment in future energy systems
- Address operational issues and effects on components like turbomachinery, heat exchangers, and combustion systems
- Pave the way for future funding opportunities
Current Activities: