Flexible Power Generation – ETN Webinar Series – 6th episode
“TURBO-REFLEX. TURBOmachinery REtrofit enabling FLEXible back-up capacity for the transition of the European energy system“, the 6th episode of ETN’s webinar series on Flexible Power Generation, took place on 02 March 2021.
The mission of TURBO-REFLEX is the development and optimisation of technologies, applicable to a selected set of turbomachinery engine components, which can be used to retrofit existing power plants as well as new machines in order to enable more flexible operation, providing the flexible back-up capacity needed for introducing a larger share of renewables in the energy system.
TURBO-REFLEX is funded under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under grant agreement n. 764545.
Meeting complexity with flexibility – how TURBO-REFLEX results can contribute to the future energy system – Slides here
Christian Aalburg, General Electric Germany
Condition based monitoring of turbomachinery components – Slides here
Alexander Wiedermann, MAN Energy Solutions
Assessing the impact of component innovations and improvements at plant level – Slides here
Wolfgang Mohr, General Electric Switzerland
Flexible power generation – A user perspective – Slides here
Juan Carlos Garcia Del Rio, Naturgy
Christer Björkqvist, Managing Director, ETN Global
Recording of the event are available online here.
On the Flexible Power Generation webinar series:
To achieve the EU 2030 and 2050 Climate and Energy goals, a high penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) into the grid is required. In this context, the role of the fossil fuel power plants will have to increasingly shift from providing base-load power to fluctuating back-up power (i.e. ramping up and down) in order to control and stabilise the grid. However, this poses several challenges in the operation due to increased wears and tears of the power plants components, as well as a reduction in efficiency and increase of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per unit of produced electricity.
The objective of this webinar series is to shed the light on the actions taken by the EU and the industry to meet these challenges and pave the way for a carbon-neutral energy system that would ensure at the same time secure and affordable energy supply. The series is organised by ETN Global, with the support of ETIP SNET and in cooperation with five EU Horizon 2020 projects: FLEXnCONFU (grant agreement n. 884157), HYFLEXPOWER (grant agreement n. 884229), PUMP-HEAT (grant agreement n. 764706), sCO2-flex (grant agreement n. 764690), and TURBO-REFLEX (grant agreement n. 764545).