GPPS Forum24

Global Power & Propulsion Forum titled “The Path to NET ZERO – Transforming & Decarbonising Energy Systems and Propulsion” will take place on 17-18 January 2024 in Zurich, Switzerland.

Over two exciting days, discussions on relevant and impactful developments in energy systems and aviation will take place, tackling the demands and requirements of the industries and society as a whole. They will feature industry specialists, academics and leaders from organizations such as ETN Global, Rolls-Royce, Siemens, Pratt & Whitney, Bechtel, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and many more.

The GPPS Energy Forum 2024 will address the transition to a decarbonised energy supply and air travel. It will revolve around a regional look ahead to transform towards NET ZERO with an affordable and secure energy supply. The pace of this transformation is set by what economies can tolerate and what technologies can enable us to achieve in the next decades.


  • 17 January 2024
    • The first day of the Forum24 will spotlight regional perspectives on energy decarbonisation. Expect insights from industry leaders and global institutions as they unveil their visions, strategies, and cutting-edge technologies driving the transition to Net Zero. Dive into dedicated keynotes and panels delving into the pivotal role of hydrogen, exploring requisite technologies, initiatives, and the challenges inherent in its adoption. Throughout these sessions, we’ll illuminate the economic and financial dimensions that stand at the core of ensuring energy security and affordability.
  • 18 January 2024
    • The second day of the Forum24 will showcase a diverse array of projects, demonstrating how industrial leaders have successfully secured investments and initiated the implementation of technologies geared towards energy decarbonization. Topics will span carbon capture and storage (CCS), fusion, decarbonization in ship propulsion, and airport infrastructure. Engage in specialized sessions focusing on aircraft propulsion and the ramifications of its design when operated with sustainable aviation fuels.

Forum24 presents a unique and intimate environment for turbomachinery professionals to connect both professionally and socially. This setting facilitates the development of valuable, long-term interactions and connections within our community.

For detailed programme, registration and further details, please visit GPPS Forum24 website.

Our involvement:

ETN Global will be present at the Forum on both days and our Managing Director Christer Björkqvist will participate in the following panel discussions:

17 January 2024:

  • 11:30-13:00: Panel 1: A regional approach to energy decarbonization
  • Panelists: Christer Björkqvist (ETN Global), Torsten Buddenberg (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries EMEA Ltd), Fayette Collier (USG), Xuan Lv (SPIC, State Power Investment Company),John Gülen (Bechtel)
  • Chair: Zuozhi Zhao (Siemens Energy)


  • 15:40-17:00: Panel 2: Technological, regulatory and economical challenges in the hydrogen value chain
  • Panelists: Christer Björkqvist (ETN Global), John Gülen (Bechtel), Francis Bainier (GTRgaz), Oscar Mene Castiñeiras (Linde)
  • Chair: Renaud Le Pierres (Meggitt)


ETH Zürich Hauptgebäude, Rämistrasse, Zürich, Switzerland