ETN High-Level User Meeting 2022

ETN High-Level User Meeting (HLUM) 2022 event “Efficient, flexible and low carbon pathways towards net-zero solutions” was held on 28 -29 September in Brussels, Belgium.

ETN’s annual HLUM event is a users-only event upon receival of an invitation letter. This event provides an excellent occasion to exchange views and experiences with senior-level users from the oil & gas, utility and industry sectors, and to bring forward short- and long-term turbomachinery development needs that will have an important impact on the profitability of your operations and the fulfilment of your long-term strategy. Your input will also influence ETN’s future strategy, R&D recommendations and activities.

Time: 28-29 September 2022

Venue: ETN Office


  • 28 September:
    • 12:30-13:30: Lunch
    • 13:30-14:30: Welcome speech by Pedro Lopez, ETN President/Uniper & Session 1: ETN strategy, Christer Björkqvist & Rene Vijgen, ETN
    • 14:30-15:00: Session 2: user presentations
    • 15:00-15:30: Coffee break
    • 15:30-17:30: Session 2: user presentations continued
    • 19:00- : Dinner event
  • 29 September:
    • 08:30-10:00: Session 3: discussion and conclusions
    • 10:00-10:30: Coffee break
    • 10:30-12:00: Session 4: selected pathways and recommendations
    • 12:00-13:00: Lunch

Please find a more detailed Programme here.


Brussels, Belgium



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