ETN Events
TC 2: Operational and Fuel Flexibility The Technical Committee 2 members had a teleconference call on 8 September 2015.
ETN held a general MGT meeting with the key stakeholders in the MGT community in conjunction with our OMSOP mid-term dissemination meeting. The meeting took place on 11-12 May 2015 at City University London, UK.
The OMSoP Consortium met on 11-12 December in London, UK (City University London). For more information, please visit www.omsop.eu.
ETN Project Board & TC Chairs Meeting (m…
The ETN Project Board members and the Technical Committees Chairs/Co-chairs met in the ETN office on 24-25 November 2014. Agenda
7th International Gas Turbine Conference – The Future of Gas Turbine Technology The 7th International Gas Turbine Conference (IGTC-14) focused on the required future GT technology developments from a user's and a political point of view, with special focus on: The role played by gas turbines in the future international energy policy mix, where intermittent sources of renewable energy may significantly increase and nuclear capacity may drastically [...]
A High Level User Meeting took place at the European Parliement on 13 October 2014. The meeting was followed by a dinner debate, which also took place at the European Parliament. For more information about the outcome of the HLUM, please clontact the ETN office.
The OMSoP comsortium members met on 16 December 2013 for the final year meeting. For more information on the OMSoP Project, please visit the official website: www.omsop.eu.
The final H2-IGCC meeting took place on 12-13 May 2014 at the GDF Suez offices in Brussels, Belgium: On 12 May, a site visit was organised at Laborelec/GDF Suez On 13 May, the meeting was kindly hosted by GDF Suez For additional information, please contact the ETN Office.
ETN Annual General Meeting and Workshop
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Workshop took place on 2-3 April 2014 in Paris La Defense, France and was kindly hosted by Total.
ETN organised an Air Filtration Workshop on 20 February 2014 in Brussels, Belgium. For more information please click here.