ETN Events
SGT5-4000F User Conference (GTUsers.com)
GTUsers.com organises a SGT5-4000F (V94.3A) User Conference, which will take place on 11-13 October 2016 in Helsinki, Finland. Please contact GTUsers.com for further details. www.gtusers.com Tel: +358-40-5546355
EUSEW event – Micro Gas Turbine put a new spin on green energy production
ETN, COGEN Europe and AEBIOM organised an event at the EUSEW High Level Policy Conference entitled “Micro Gas Turbine put a new spin on green energy production” on 15 June in Brussels. The event featured a keynote address by Remy Denos (replacing Andreea Strachinescu), DG Energy (European Commission), with other speakers representing the micro gas […]
ETN organised an LM2500 User Group Meeting on 1-2 June 2016 in Shell Technology Center in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
On 11-12 April, members of the Air Filtration project met in Florence, Italy to discuss the Water/Salt test procedure for Gas Turbine/Compressor Air Inlet Filter Systems, which will be part of the ISO 29461 Air intake filter systems for rotary machinery – Test methods“ Part 5. Independent testing companies have been invited at the meeting […]
Micro Gas Turbine in the European Energy Scenario
ETN has created a working group for Micro Gas Turbine (MGT) technology that includes over 30 organisations from the whole MGT value chain, whose objectives are to explore and identify cooperation opportunities for technology developments and demonstrations. On 18 March, ETN organised a meeting “MGT in the European Energy Scenario” in its offices with the Chairs […]
ETN Project Board & TC Chair Meeting
The Project Board members and the TC Chairs/Co-Chairs met in Brussels, Belgium on 26-27 November 2015.
Conference Advisory Board Meeting
The Conference Advisory Board Meeting for the 8th International Gas Turbine Conference took place on 27 January 2016 in Brussels, Belgium.
The members of the Air Filtration project met on 27 October 2015 in Brussels.
ETN organised a User meeting on 21 October 2015 in Madrid, Spain.
The Micro Gas Turbine (MGT) Workin Group members met on 8 October 2015 in Brussels, Belgium.